Friday, February 13, 2015

Correcting That Story Gone Viral: “Dutch Orchestra Walks Out” on Muslim Conductor

By Nicholas Stix

I thank the old buddy who forwarded me the e-mail which I reprinted below. However, the e-mail contains some serious factual errors.

The concert was not held on May 9, 2014, and the Moslem who lectured Queen Beatrix was not the conductor.

Early on, as this thing went viral, someone introduced the false date of “09 May, 2014.”

When I hit the video’s link to Youtube, where it had been “Published on Jul 27, 2012,” it was immediately clear that something was very wrong.

I tried googling, but everyone who had made the video go viral had blithely copied and pasted the mistake.

As for the Moslem, he’s just a Moslem who does this sort of thing, not a conductor. He dressed in a tux, so as not arouse the suspicion of security, as he approached the stage.

AMSTERDAM - In het Concertgebouw in Amsterdam is zaterdagavond een verwarde man afgevoerd die het podium was beklommen en zijn geloof in Allah uitsprak.

The Dutch media described the Moslem as “een verwarde man,” a “confused” or “disturbed” man, i.e., crazy, but he was neither. He was just a Moslem. If anything, he was unusually civilized for a Moslem.

With Jihadwatch’s help, I was able to find the story at Sanoma Digital’s NU.NL site, and determine that the incident took place on Saturday, September 3, 2011.

This is GREAT!

Subject: Dutch Orchestra Walks Out

There is at least some courage in the world. A class orchestra with a ton of balls.

When the most liberal leftist country in Europe pulls the plug on Islam, the world is beginning to see the light.

The Dutch orchestra walked out on a concert directed by a Muslim who made his personal beliefs known to Queen Beatrix of Holland. Now that took courage. Good for the people of Holland.

Watch the walk out. I’ll bet you didn't see this on your local news at 11 pm.

Well done to the Dutch Orchestra! Dutch Orchestral Concert Staged Friday, 09 May, 2014!

Queen Beatrix of Holland attends an Orchestral Concert.

The Conductor, who just happens to be Muslim, proceeds to give the Queen a lecture on the "beauty" of Islam. Then the members of the Orchestra stage a walkout! Great to see people with the courage of their convictions!


  1. Fact remains the orchestra walked off stage, irrespective whether the person was the conductor or not,
    the rejection from the orchestra was for the in appropriate message not whether the person was the conductor or not -
    interesting observation though thanks.

  2. Security ordered the orchestra off of the stage. It was not a "rejection" from the orchestra.
